Chuck Todd Questions Senator Perdue About Kavanaugh: ‘Does Public Opinion Matter?’

by Molly Prince


Republican Sen. David Perdue of Georgia explained Sunday morning why his decision whether or not to vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court has not been swayed based on recent polling.

“Does public opinion matter to you?” Chuck Todd asked Perdue on “Meet The Press.” “If more people oppose his nomination or more people don’t believe him, should that factor in to your decision-making on this?”

“Well, there are two issues there. First of all, I don’t put a lot of confidence in these polls — these are the same polls that had me losing by as much as 10 percent in my race three or four years ago and we won by more than eight points,” Perdue replied. “It had [President Donald] Trump losing, so I’m not sure these polls clearly reflect the opinion of the American people.”

Support to confirm Kavanaugh is down among voters following Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations against him. More voters believe Ford’s accusations than Kavanaugh’s denials by a 6-point margin, according to a Fox News poll. However, over one-third of voters are unsure.

“The other thing is that I believe that right now the information that the American people are getting is somewhat limited because it’s coming through this central media in Washington and not all of this has really come out yet,” the Georgia senator continued. “We will get all the information in the Senate this week, hopefully.”

Both Kavanaugh and Ford were supposed to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, however, Ford refused and is now reportedly willing to testify on Sept. 27 if specific demands are met.

“We’ll hear from both sides, we’ll take that into consideration, and we’ll make our adjudication,” Perdue said.

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Molly Prince is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Molly @mollyfprince.












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One Thought to “Chuck Todd Questions Senator Perdue About Kavanaugh: ‘Does Public Opinion Matter?’”

  1. John Bumpus

    Chuck Todd asked, “Does public opinion matter to you?”

    Republican Sen. David Perdue of Georgia answered, of course it does.

    But the real issue is, who determines what public opinion is on a subject, the media (e.g., Chuck Todd) or Sen. Perdue?

    Who elected Chuck Todd to anything?
